The Department of Finance is pleased to announce that Thomas Raoux, an MSc Finance alumnus, has been awarded with the WCIB prize, for his dissertation entitled “Determinants of the Method of Payment in U.S Mergers and Acquisitions”. The Worshipful Company of International Bankers (WCIB) offers the prize each year to students from a number of participating institutions, whereby a shortlist of MSc dissertations or extended essays are nominated by faculty to be put forward for consideration. Typically the work put forward will be related to the City, international banking or an aspect of finance. A prize giving ceremony and reception was hosted by the Department of Finance on Thursday 1 December 2016, to celebrate the occasion. Professor Daniel Ferreira, Deputy Head of Teaching opened the ceremony with an introductory speech to congratulate Thomas on behalf of the Department of Finance. the prize of a cheque and certificate of merit was then presented to Thomas, by Thomas Newman, and Omiros D. Sarikas, a Liveryman of the WCIB and alumnus of the School. The event was also attended by Janet Bacastow, Associate Programme Director of the MSc Finance, Catherine Perry, Programme Manager for the MSc Finance, and Catherine O’Riordan, who managed the MSc Finance for the 2015/16 academic year.


